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Brett Mai is Russell Community Impact Award Winner

The Russell Community Impact Award Committee is pleased to announce Brett Mai as the distinguished recipient of the May 2024 Russell Community Impact Award.

This award recognizes individuals, businesses or organizations whose exceptional contributions have significantly enriched the fabric of the Russell community.

Brett Mai’s dedication and commitment to the betterment of Russell exemplify the essence of community spirit. Nominated by a member of the community who appreciates his tireless efforts, his involvement in multiple community organizations allows him to work toward the betterment of the community.

In the nomination, his dedication to Russell is signified through his numerous volunteer efforts and dedication to the youth of the Russell community. As a leader of the local Boy Scouts Cub Scouts and coach to many youth programs, he instills a passion for commitment to Russell and its betterment within the youth of the community.

Mai was elected to serve on the USD 407 School Board and is currently serving as the Board Vice President. He continues his support of local students and teachers outside of the Board through his involvement in and support of Russell Community for Classrooms.

As the winner of the Russell Community Impact Award, Mai receives a $250 donation to the non-profit of his choice. He has chosen the Russell County Area Community Foundation’s David Goddard Fund for the Russell Boy Scouts. Mayor Jim Cross and KRSL/KZRS Russell Radio Marketing Representative Erik Stone presented Mai with a $250 check for the RCACF at the July 16 Russell City Council meeting.

If you know of someone like Mai who is making a positive impact on Russell, you can nominate them for the Russell Community Impact Award. By participating in this initiative, you play a vital role in recognizing and honoring those who contribute to the community’s growth and well-being.

Nominations for the Russell Community Impact Award can be submitted online at or downloaded from or Additionally, nomination forms are available for pickup at the City Building at 133 West 8th Street or KRSL/KZRS Russell Radio at 1984 North Main Street.

Let’s come together to celebrate individuals like Brett Mai, who embody the spirit of Russell and make the community a better place for all. For more information about the Russell Community Impact Award, please get in touch with Jon Quinday at 785-483-6311.

(Information courtesy City of Russell.)