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Dean and Betty (Balloun) Boxberger Family Fund

The Russell County Area Community Foundation (RCACF), an affiliate of the Greater
Northwest Kansas Community Foundation, is pleased to announce the establishment of
the Dean and Betty (Balloun) Boxberger Family Fund.

Honoring the legacy roots of Dean and Betty (Balloun) Boxberger, their family have
established a new charitable fund to benefit the Russell County area. Dean and Betty were
both born in Russell. After a 7-week courtship, they were united in marriage on May 16,
1954, in St. John Lutheran Church. From this union, they were blessed with five sons;
Matthew, Mark, Thomas, Timothy and Scott.

Dean and Betty shared 69 years of married life together. They loved the land, farmed and
ranched. Together, they were involved in church, 4-H, and volunteering, setting an example
for their sons of love of community and service. Grants from the fund will ensure that Dean
and Betty’s faithful stewardship continues forever to support their favorite charitable
causes in Russell County and beyond.

“The community foundation’s mission is to help families like the Boxbergers leave
charitable legacies. Their family has lived in Russell County for generations, doing good in
the community they love. This charitable donor advised fund will ensure that the causes
Dean and Betty loved the most will continue to be supported,” said Angie Muller, RCACF

When you leave a gift to the community foundation, your life’s work and what you care
about most live on forever, creating your legacy. The Russell County Area Community
Foundation was founded in 2001 and is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all
residents in the Russell County area by encouraging philanthropy and providing a vehicle
for donors to support their charitable interests.

We help donors create funds of all sizes directed at your favorite charitable purposes. Gifts
to the community foundation are tax-deductible. If you would like to contribute to the Dean
and Betty (Balloun) Boxberger Family Fund or create a fund of your own, please contact
Angie Muller, RCACF Director, at 785-445-3611 or visit