The Russell County Area Community Foundation is pleased to announce a new fund that will support the needs of area children – the Kiwanis Legacy Fund.
The Kiwanis Legacy Fund supports the impactful projects of the Sunrise Kiwanis Club in the Russell area, fostering positive change and enhancing the well-being of children and local residents. The club supports school supply initiatives, Meals on Wheels, bread for the Russell Food Pantry, local scouting, Aktion club in collaboration with Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas (DSNWK), and the much-loved annual Jim Thoman Halloween Parade and Community Easter Egg Hunt.
“The Kiwanis Legacy Fund will continue the caring legacy of Kiwanians locally for generations to come. For decades, Russell has enjoyed a very strong Kiwanis presence in our community. This fund recognizes the past leadership of many and looks forward to a strong future of continuing concern for others, especially children in need. The Sunrise Kiwanis Club is looking for donations to build up their endowment so the good can be multiplied,” said Angie Muller, Executive Director of RCACF.
The Sunrise Kiwanis Club was chartered on January 19, 1984 and has 18 members. Grants from this fund will support people in need in the Russell County area, ensuring that the Kiwanis caring legacy continues to make a difference, forever.
Interested in adding to the Kiwanis Legacy Fund? Tax-deductible donations can be made at any time at or by contacting the Russell County Area Community Foundation at 785.445.3611