Our Funds

Anyone can give, and many people come to a point in their lives where they feel inclined to give back. They do so for a number of reasons, all very personal to them. Whether creating a named fund, contributing to an existing fund, making a gift in memory of a friend or loved one, or making an unrestricted gift to the Fund for a Better Russell County Area, every person in the community can make a difference

Donor Advised Funds:

Enables donors to recommend grants to the charitable organizations or programs of their choice.
Bronco Foundation Fund

Dean and Betty (Balloun) Boxberger Family Fund

Derril & Marvel Castor Fund
Dolores Y. & Robert L. Earnest Fund
Don H. & Sandy Krug Fund
Dr. Charles & Barbara Stinchcomb Fund
Edwin W. Olson Family Fund
Fred & Joan Weigel Fund

Henry & Marjorie L. Pohlman Fund
John and Heather Fletcher Foundation Fund

Leon Huxman Fund
Mary Keeler’s Children’s Fund
Matt Driscoll Fund
Michael S. Holland Fund for Russell Regional Hospital
Mike & Nancy Holland Fund
Murphy Family Fund
Myers Family Memorial Fund
Patrick R. & Elaine M. Hilger HOPE Fund
Rotary Club of Russell Fund

Russell Kiwanis Legacy Fund
USD 407 Fund
Franc E. Wagner Fund
Wallace N. Weber, M.D. Fund

Warren and Angela Gfeller Family Foundation

Designated Funds:

Provides annual support for specific charities selected by the donor.

Bronco Vocational Training Fund

David Goddard Fund for the Russell Boy Scouts
David M. Shumaker Memorial Geology Fund
Dean C. Banker Fund for the Russell County Historical Society
Dick Phinney & Joan Phinney Jillson Russell Regional Hospital Equipment Enhancement Fund
Ethel A. John Fund for the Natoma Community Center
Ethel A. John Fund for Peace Lutheran Church, Natoma, KS
Hazel A. Olson Trinity United Methodist Church Fund
Helen Polcyn St. Mary’s Catholic Church of Gorham Cemetery Fund
Jay & Micki Sweeney Fund
Joel Stull Memorial Agricultural Scholarship Fund
Kansas Health Foundation Operating Fund for Russell County
Kay Shank Fund
Keep the Dream Alive Fund
Max & Whilmetta Horn Fund
Marcie Adler Swimming Pool Memorial Fund
Nancy G. Holland Fund for the Arts

Natoma Heritage Seekers Pohlman Building Fund
Natoma Presbyterian Church Preservation FundPay It Forward Scholarship Fund
Robert & Melinda Olson Designated Fund
Russell City Cemetery Fund
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Gorham, KS, Building & Grounds Fund
The Bill Gilpin Fund for Russell County Youth Activities
The Friends of the Deines Cultural Center Emma M. Gaines Memorial Fund
The Russell Backpack Fund
V. Frankie & Reba M. New Fund

Field of Interest Funds:

Enable donors to support a designated cause or geographic area. (e.g. the arts, a specific community, etc.)
Dane G. Hansen Community Grant Fund – Russell
Dustin Poche Fund for the Arts
Girl Scouts of Russell, Kansas Fund
Helen A. Hampl Student Aid Fund
Kansas Health Foundation Children’s Fund
Russell Area Youth Activities Fund
Russell Schools Apple Seed Fund
Hazel A. Olson Trinity United Methodist Church Fund

Organization Funds:

Provides annual income for nonprofit organizations in support of their charitable work.
Coronado Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America Fund
Grassroots Arts Center Fund
Russell County Historical Society Legacy Fund
Russell Public Library Fund
Russell Regional Hospital Fund
St. John Lutheran Church, Russell, KS Endowment Fund
St. Mary, Queen of the Angels Parish, Russell, Kansas Fund

Administrative Funds:

Supports foundation operations.

Russell Administrative Fund

Funds for the Future:

When you leave a gift to the community foundation through your will, your life’s work and what you care about most live on forever, creating your legacy. These individuals and families are part of the Cornerstone Society.

Allan P. McCobb, Kai and Angela Muller, Jeff and Sandy Ochampaugh

Unrestricted Funds:

Supports foundations community grant-making.

Fund for a Better Russell County Area
SPARC (Strategic Partnership for the Advancement of Russell County)

Disaster Relief Funds:

Russell County Disaster Relief Fund